A Pal For Gary and why it's a beast not a friend[]
So this episode is one of the most infuriating things ever, so, SpongeBob decides to buy another pet to be Gary's new friend and he buys a nudibranch (it doesn't look like one though), why not another snail? Why this thing? So, the shopkeeper explains how aggressive the nudibranch is around other pets but SpongeBob gives no cares and runs off without paying for it, then we get a bunch of Puffy Fluffy being hostile around Gary but acts normal when SpongeBob is around and SpongeBob being oblivious, then SpongeBob punishes Gary by sending him to bed early with Puffy Fluffy, then, during the night Gary runs to SpongeBob and SpongeBob sends him back to bed and then we have this Evolved Puffy Fluffy, it looks hideous by the way, attacking Gary and they fight throughout the night and SpongeBob sleeps through the whole thing, then, when he wakes up he realizes all the destruction and guess what happens, HE BLAMES IT ON GARY YET AGAIN! then when he sees Gary about to get eaten by Puffy Fluffy, he scolds Gary again! WHAT?! Then, Puffy Fluffy puts Gary down and attacks SpongeBob instead and SpongeBob scolds Gary again, then Gary defeats Puffy Fluffy and SpongeBob scolds him god forsaken AGAIN AND ACTS LIKE AN UNGREATFUL B*TCH! Then, because of Gary's "bad" behaviour, SpongeBob takes Gary to work with him, you know what I'm DONE!
Redeemable Qualities[]
SpongeBob eating enchiladas was funny but not enough to extinguish this dumpster fire
Gary beats Puffy Fluffy
MONSTROSITY Spongebob Episode
Diabolical SpongeBob
Gary Torture
Unfunny Episode
Garbage Episode
Spongebob is a dumb*ss
Puffy Fluffy is hideous