NOTE: This page is very serious about why people hate this scene in Israel and Palestine. So, Please do NOT post jokes or Among Us jokes on this page or in the comments. And also, Please do NOT post Among Us jokes on the Fungus Among Us episode page. Also, we are expressing our condolences for the people of Palestine who were killed by the war.
The Israel-Palestine war is a SCUMBOB!-infamous scene from the HYPER-infamous Israel-Palestine conflict.
Why Israel Needs To Free Palestine[]
People hate this war and People call it ScumBob because when Israel attacks innocent civilians in Gaza the war becomes bloody and hated. And that means that people are dying and everyone needs to pay attention to prevent the war from continuing and have Palestine be free.
How To Fix This Scene[]
- Make a separate state for Palestinians
- Defund the Israeli military and stop sending support from the US
- Give all Palestinians a better life and fund so that Palestinians can finally live.
- Free Palestine 🇵🇸