The Tom Kenny Collection (Also known as Tom Kenny's Top 20) is a non-infamous downloadable digital collection available on iTunes and Amazon Prime Video. It was released on May 15, 2009 and contains five episodes from season 1, five episodes from season 2, four episodes from season 3, two episodes from season 4, and four episodes from season 6, which were all chosen by Tom Kenny himself.
Episodes That Are Infamous[]
4/20 episodes are infamous
Redeeming Qualities[]
There are some episodes that are not infamous including:
- Help Wanted
- Valentine's Day
- The Camping Episode
- Idiot Box
- Hooky
- Frankendoodle
- Band Geeks
- Graveyard Shift
- Chocolate With Nuts
- Single Cell Anniversary
- Mermaidman and Barnacleboy VI - The Motion Picture
- Krusty Krab Trainning Video
- Sailor Mouth
- Tea at the Treedome
- Pizza Delivery