Squid Wood is a super-infamous episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. In this episode, SpongeBob makes a miniature Squidward and everyone likes him better than the real Squidward.
When SpongeBob is told by Squidward that he'll never play with him, he gets the idea to whip up a teeny puppet version of Squidward called Mini Squid. To everyone's surprise, Mini Squid becomes the star of the Krusty Krab, much to Squidward's chagrin.
Why Wood'nt You Watch This (Pun not intended)[]
- It's just another episode that is only made to make Squidward a miserable person. This time it's because of Squidward refusing to play with SpongeBob.
- The first minute of the episode is just SpongeBob repeatedly showing up in Squidward's house and asking if he wants to play with him.
- There's a very disturbing scene where SpongeBob is watching Squidward while he's taking a bath- while he's naked.
- There is also some twerking here and there, which is inappropriate for kids.
- Mini Squid's voice can be considered annoying depending on your view.
- Everyone is incredibly stupid in this episode as they believe that Mini Squid is real, even though it's obvious that he's just a puppet that is being held by SpongeBob.
- Squidward is unfairly treated by the Krusty Krab patrons in a number of ways:
- First, When Squidward tells a couple of jokes to some customers they give him dirty looks because of his mood, but when Mini Squid tells them the same jokes, they laugh.
- Next, a customer criticizes Squidward's attitude for asking him what would he like to order, but the same customer praises Mini Squid for asking the same question leading to Mini Squid taking over as the cashier and Mr. Krabs demoting the real Squidward into a dishwasher.
- Then, Squidward is also mocked for having "no talent" and told to get "size reduction surgery" by some customers after replicating Mini Squid's dance moves.
- And finally, a producer lends Mini Squid a million dollars and the chance to become a star while ignoring the real Squidward.
- Bad Ending: Despite slandering his chance at fame and fortune, Squidward is relieved that Mini Squid is gone, only for SpongeBob to show up with a miniature version of SpongeBob, which is nothing more than the episode delivering a final blow on Squidward after all that.
- Wasted Potential: The idea of SpongeBob creating a Squidward puppet was a good idea and could have utilized some clever gags, but instead, it's nothing more than Squidward being neglected for 11 minutes.
Redeeming Qualities[]
- Thankfully, we never have to endure Mini Squidward or Mini SpongeBob again.
- Two of Squidward's lines, "It's called: I will never... play with you... EVER!!!!" and "He stole my jokes... he stole my job... HE STOLE MY STANDING OVATION!" still land some laughs.
- Squidward's attempts to destroy Mini Squid are considered the highlight, even if it doesn't save the episode from being labeled a "Squidward Torture Episode."
- The title boasts a clever pun.
- This episode found its way into a famous YouTube Poop, "HOW ABOUT A GAME OF YOU MUST DIE?!?!?!?!?," turning it into a meme.
- Plenty of funny moments. Some might even be entertained by Mini Squidward nonetheless.
- Mini Squidward's design looks cute.
- MoBrosStudios's fan edition ranked this episode as Number 7 in the top 20 worst SpongeBob Episodes.
- PhantomStrider dubbed this episode Number 1 on "10 Ultra Infamous SpongeBob Episodes," and surprisingly, also labeled it "Not Quite Terrible," not fully joining the hate train for this episode.
- In a twist of fate, this episode's sibling is the super-famous "The Pink Purloiner", which ended Season 4 better.
- This episode spills the beans that Patrick can stand in the same spot for a solid eight hours.
- It's revealed in this episode that Patrick's humble abode includes a set of stairs.[1]