"I'm sorry Plankton, but that flies in the face of my good nature."
"Gary! You put Fluffy down right now!"
"What a lucky break, Now I have a captive audience"
SpongeBob SquarePants is the titular "Main Protagonist" of the series of the same name. During seasons 1-5 and 8-present, he is a very likable and famous character. Unfortunately, during seasons 6 & 7, SpongeBob suffered from flanderization and often considered to be an infamous character in those seasons. He is the show's most annoying character, where he is extremely sensitive due to his laughing, crying, and stalking addiction in this era.
Why he’s ScumBob PukePants (Between Season 6 and Season 8)[]
Someone's been exposed to the Orb of Confusion for too long, and it's flanderization like this that corrupted the innocence of what was once a likable protagonist. Obnoxious, braindead, snobbish, immature, idiotic and unsettling, not to mention that he's at times a jerk and a crybaby purposely torturing Squidward a lot in these seasons with Patrick.
The influence of Mr. Krabs is what causes his many times when he was summoned to spread his sadistic and chaotic nature, in episodes such as To Love a Patty it's the fumes that has him kill innocent clams with no remorse; all for the things he'd do for love but was it really worth it? Consult the episode for more information. He is shown to have very poor vision as shown in A Pal for Gary. Regardless of his downfalls he's more assertive in times of Patrick's snobbish idiocy; torture episodes revolving around him has him reverted back to what he once was before. As the newer seasons began he's redeeming himself but it's becoming unclear if he's himself or not as the episodes varies. These signs of redemption rapidly progressed on as he was back to his original self by the time Season 8 began.
Due to the death of Stephen Hillenburg, the flanderization may begin anew without warning this time. Hopefully not...
Episodes Where He's a ScumBob[]
- Good Neighbors
- Karate Island (Done right)
- Bummer Vacation (Done right)
- Wigstruck
- Squidtastic Voyage
- Driven to Tears
- Squid Wood
- Waiting
- Fungus Among Us
- Boat Smarts
- To Love a Patty
- Breath of Fresh Squidward
- A Flea in Her Dome
- To Save A Squirrel (Done right)
- House Fancy
- Slide Whistle Stooges
- Giant Squidward
- Plankton's Regular
- Boating Buddies (the start of his flanderization)
- Grooming Gary
- Porous Pockets
- Choir Boys
- Cephalopod Lodge
- Squid's Visit
- Shuffleboarding
- Professor Squidward
- Shell Shocked
- Tentacle-Vision
- Model Sponge (Done right)
- A Pal for Gary (He's at his ABSOLUTE WORST!!!)
- One Coarse Meal
- A Day Without Tears
- Rodeo Daze (the end of his flanderization)
- That Sinking Feeling (Done right; spawned the Squidward Window meme)
- New Fish in Town
- A Friendly Game (Done right)
- Sentimental Sponge (Done right; spawned the "It's a nightshirt!!" meme)
- Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom
- Bubble Troubles
- Restraining SpongeBob
- Demolition Doofus
- Squid Baby
- Kenny the Cat
- Whirly Brains
- Snooze You Lose
- Fun-Sized Friends
- Ink Lemonade
- Gary's Got Legs
- Jolly Lodgers
- SpongeBob's Bad Habit
- Squidward's Sick Daze
- Plane to Sea
- Squidiot Box
- Don't Make Me Laugh
The bolded ones are the worst.
List of Antagonisms Down Below[]
- In Good Neighbors, Squidward's Sunday has been ruined because of him and Patrick's Order of the Good Neighbor Lodge. Can we Please get a page on the Good Neighbor Lodge on the ScumBob wiki?
- In Karate Island, he acted like a huge jerk to Sandy for no reason at all, because of his "invitation" to karate island.
- In Driven to Tears, because Patrick was rubbing his license in his face thinking that he doesn't have to abide by the rules of the road SpongeBob tore it up and threw out the pieces.
- In Squid Wood, created the hellspawn that is Mini Squidward in order to take over the real Squidward's life as revenge.
- In Waiting, being mean to Gary, flipping over Sandy and sitting out his entire offscreen birthday at the Krusty Krab. So not only is Season 5 full of offscreen birthdays but this is the kind of behavior the audience would expect from a toddler. This wiki FEELING LIKE it has stuff written by toddlers!
- In To Love a Patty, putting Patty before his friends and became so highly clogged by the fumes of the Krusty Krab's kitchen that he's willing to kill off a flock of innocent clams though seeing how Junior from Rock-A-Bye Bivalve feels towards food like that, we the audience can say none of them is Junior. Still... these are actual undersea animals, not a bunch of full grown geese that act hostile towards everyone.
- In House Fancy, he came into Squidward's house and squirt paint everything on the Walls when he was just told to paint the faded spot. But to make matters worse he ripped Squidward's toenail clean off! Which this should’ve been censored out from Nickelodeon, a children’s television network, due to its graphic nature. He even caused the vacuum to go wildly insane and started to eat up Squidward's furniture and then it exploded Squidward's house.
- In Grooming Gary, well same concept as above but let's take to a pet show and have a pet riot begin with a following speech on treating them like companions, not dress up dolls. He's actually made a good moral for once there.
- In Choir Boys, this is a guide on how to upstage Squidward and that's by not only stalking him to choir practice while slowing him down but also getting him stung by jellyfish without remorse.
- In Cephalopod Lodge, while it's true that Roger should've been watching out for intruders like them that doesn't stop him and Patrick from stabbing Squidward in the back by revealing themselves as the giant albino eel TOO EARLY and it's all to get him back into the lodge that they got him kicked out of. Speaking of which, there's a reason he should've not called them out in front of everyone during the initiation.
- In Squid's Visit, he's broken into the tiki house enough times to know everything that there is inside. Now that's a good horror movie idea.
- In Shuffleboarding, the two barnacle brains arrest everyone for the stupidest of reasons including harassing Man Ray and his old friend Maple when the former had done no evil. This leads up to a terrible fight scene.
- In Shell Shocked, his clumsiness was inflated to the maximum because his tendency to break shells exists only to make the conflict worse.
- In Tentacle-Vision, he and his friends alongside the Bikini Bottomites get to invade his house when he's trying to make a TV Show. Who does he think he is, Christopher Columbus?! That guy didn't discover America you know, HE INVADED IT!
- In A Pal for Gary, this is one of the worst cases of his incomprehensible ignorance, his neglection and his nightmarish and abusive insanity of all time! Including his abuse when he didn't care about Gary throughout his torture and for some reason possibly wanted Gary dead for no reason. What a cruel pet owner he turned out to be. Two of the worst parts, however, are SpongeBob blaming Gary for SAVING his bottom, and the second part is that he’s a KARMA HOUDINI, which means that even though he was a massive jerk, he got ABSOLUTELY NO COMEUPPANCE.
- In One Coarse Meal, he betrayed Plankton while helping Evil Krabs take advantage of his cetaphobia.
- In Rodeo Daze, he proceeded to kidnap everyone after all of them refuse to help him rescue Sandy from the dangers of the rodeo. This is more aimed toward the Bikini Bottomites because not only do they not give a damn, but they pretend like she doesn't exist. They're acting very selfish in this episode. Dirty pool Bikini Bottomites, dirty pool!
- In That Sinking Feeling, they sunk not only the tiki house underground but every building as well. At least they'll find some valuable ore down there, if Evil Krabs doesn't get his big meaty claws on them first
- In A Friendly Game, he misfired his golf ball into Squidward's window while Patrick went to tell his friend to destroy everything leading to the eventual collapse.
- In Sentimental Sponge, this is more aimed towards Patrick for influencing him to become a hoarder.
- In Bubble Troubles, the two barnacleheads destroy Sandy's air supply with hot sauce bubbles and speaking of which THAT WAS NOT THERE BEFORE WHEN THE TREEDOME APPEARED IN OTHER EPISODES!
- In Demolition Doofus, "Guess we'll just have to call her Mrs. Pop!"
- In Squid Baby, can't these two ever stop hitting his head when he's undergoing the ABS syndrome? And "Itis" is NOT a disease, you foolish doctor!
- In Whirly Brains, using their objects to spy on Squidward. Well done... NOT!
- In Ink Lemonade, he says that the ink lemonade is delicious, encouraging Patrick to scare Squidward more.
- In Squidward's Sick Daze he does many mean things to Squidward like froze him, shocked him with jellyfish and ruined his painting.
- In Squidiot Box, he and Patrick intentionally put Squidward into massive trouble inside the box, and the "Imagination" thing? This isn't even an imagination anymore, it's a Squidward torture and a nightmare for him!
"I'm Ready!" Qualities[]
- He gets his lower-pitched pre-movie voice back in season 8.
- Whenever Mr. Krabs is the main antagonist, the sponge is less of the bad guy and more of the sensible one.
- Though still flanderized, He is not as nearly that bad in the later half of season 7 where in episodes like Big Sister Sam and Perfect Chemistry, he is very close to his original personally.