ScumBob Wiki

"SpongeBob: (weakly) Come closer. I need. I need. (gasps)
Lifeguard: (tearing up) What do you need?
SpongeBob: (whispers) A...tailor. (the beam of light goes off) Because I ripped my pants! (laughs and falls to the ground; but instead of laughing along with him, the lifeguard and everyone else just leave in disgust)
Sandy: (annoyed and angry) That wasn't funny, SpongeBob! Y'all had me worried sick! (stomps off in anger)
Sandals: (sadly) Dude...

― SpongeBob pretending to drown in his latest attempt to continue his ripped pants joke.

The SpongeBob pretending to drown scene is an infamous scene in the HYPER-famous episode, Ripped Pants.

Why This Scene Rips Your Pants?[]

During this scene, SpongeBob made so many people laugh because of his pants ripping. However, as time went on, the joke started to become old and people grew tired of it. Though SpongeBob is unaware of the people change of behavior due to how much fun he was having. But when he went to compete in a surfing competition with Larry and Sandy, SpongeBob took the joke too far when he faked his accident and tricked everyone into thinking that he drowned! This mean-spirited move caused everyone, including Sandy and Larry, to turn against SpongeBob and ditch him. SpongeBob, pranks are one thing, but putting yourself in danger and deceiving people is not a good idea!

Redeemable qualities[]
