SpongeBob SquarePants is an non-infamous animated series created by Stephen Hillenburg. In the past, it has had and does have some bad episodes rated by the SpongeBob community that are mostly from seasons 6 and 7 and some of seasons 4, 5, and 8 along with Season 9A. Very few are from the pre-movie, and post-sequel eras.
Infamous Seasons[]
Most Infamous Episodes[]
- Good Neighbors
- All That Glitters
- The Thing
- Rule of Dumb
- Squid Wood
- Waiting
- Fungus Among Us
- To Love a Patty
- A Flea in Her Dome
- What Ever Happened to SpongeBob?
- SpongeHenge
- The Splinter
- Sun Bleached
- Plankton's Regular
- Boating Buddies
- The Krabby Kronicle
- Choir Boys
- The Card
- Cephalopod Lodge
- Squid's Visit
- Shuffleboarding
- Pet or Pests
- Truth or Square
- The Clash of Triton
- Stuck in the Wringer
- Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy
- A Pal for Gary
- Yours, Mine and Mine
- Summer Job
- One Coarse Meal
- Rodeo Daze
- The Cent of Money
- That Sinking Feeling
- Trenchbillies
- You Don't Know Sponge
- Big Sister Sam
- Oral Report
- The Googly Artiste
- Patrick's Staycation
- Pet Sitter Pat
- House Sittin' for Sandy
- Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom
- Restraining SpongeBob
- Are You Happy Now?
- Face Freeze!
- Demolition Doofus
- Squid Baby
- Little Yellow Book
- SpongeBob You're Fired
- The Fish Bowl
- Ink Lemonade
- Squirrel Jelly
- The Nitwitting
- Jolly Lodgers
- SpongeBob's Bad Habit