ScumBob Wiki

SpongeBob LongPants is a semi-infamous episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. In this episode, SpongeBob gets a pair of long pants which changes his personality.

Why It’s ScumBob ShortPants[]

  • We can now confirm that the Bikini Bottomites have been exposed to the Orb of Confusion for way too long seeing how they're making a fuss about the long pants he wears.
  • No movie should require knee length pants because it's too silly for someone who is cultured. Longer pants does not define how mature a person is, and neither does it mean those who wear them are restricted to watching boring movies like The Table for instance.
    • Hypocrisy: Mr. Krabs is allowed to watch the film even if he is also basiclly wearing long pants and even Sandy's diving suit is knee covering yet she is also allowed.
    • Another example of stupid and nonsensical dress codes is in The Masterpiece where people who wear headbands will be banned from the Sea Chicken Shack.
  • The Bikini Bottomites and even some of SpongeBob's friends define him for his pants once he starts wearing long pants even though SpongeBob was known for his personality without them, and he should not be encouraged to change his personality just because he wants to wear them. The fancy fish that meet SpongeBob expect him to be mature like them just because of his pants, which is absurd to assume, and scold him once he uncovers that he worked at the Krusty Krab. After being rejected from entering the movie, SpongeBob becomes desperate to take them off, just to become unsuccessful, and starts crying. Mr. Krabs overhears SpongeBob crying from inside the theater, and questions him. How was he able to hear him crying while the movie was on, and if he could hear him crying, why didn't anyone else also step out of the theater? And why did SpongeBob's friends invite him to a movie just to completely ignore the fact that he didn't get in? There was no concern for SpongeBob's crying, and even worse, Mr. Krabs appears more annoyed at him rather than concerned, as the first thing he says is, "How pathetic, a man, in long pants, crying." What an inconsiderate way to approch someone that adds to how horribly people view those who wear long pants.

How to fix the episode![]

  • Make the Bikini Bottomites treat SpongeBob less like he's super mature.
  • Make SpongeBob not restricted to watching boring movies.