ScumBob Wiki
Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy 189 SANDY TORTURE!
This contains torture to Sandy Cheeks, so if you're a fan of her, look away NOW.

Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy is a SCUMBOB!-infamous episode[1] of SpongeBob SquarePants. In this episode, Plankton disguises himself as Sandy to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula.

Air Date for this episode: July 19, 2009


Plankton wants to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula again and in one of the Krabby Patty's orders he reaches Sandy and just at that moment Plankton is left inside Sandy's helmet. Later Plankton is revived while Sandy is bathing in the Treedome and from there Plankton steals Sandy's fur when she did not finish her bath to later steal the formula and Sandy will also try to find her fur again which has it in the hands of Plankton.

Why Sandy Should Not Be In This Kitchen[]

  1. First and obvious reason because of the image, the episode is basically a Sandy torture episode, where Sandy is made fun of by everyone in Bikini Bottom.
  2. Also, the idea for a part of the episode where someone is naked for the most part is too inappropriate for a kids show. Yes, we know that Sandy is not fully naked in this episode, but still.
  3. The Bikini Bottomites are inconsistently portrayed, as the police arrest Sandy for public nudity (even though Sandy technically isn't naked but wearing only her bra and panties, which looks basically no different from her usual bikini she normally wears in her treedome), even though there are several Bikini Bottomites who either always wear a bikini or never wear any clothes at all, and not to mention that some of them are pink, hence showing off real hypocrisy. This makes them stupid, braindead jerks.
    • Also instead of letting Sandy explain situations, they arrest her without fair trail. This shows how corrupt and braindead those police officers are.
  4. Sandy eating with her mouth open and peeling off her skin are very disturbing moments.
    • On top of that, "Sandy", which is basically a makeshift robot made out by Plankton out of Sandy's fur, is incredibly creepy and unsettling to look at since it makes "Sandy" come off looking like a lifeless zombie due to her hollow eye and mouth areas. Not helping is the way "Sandy"' walks as Plankton controls it which is very zombie-like.
    • Sandy's overall furless appearance is incredibly repulsive to look at that it could already give all the characters of Almost Naked Animals a run for their money. Even Plankton himself is aware of how repulsive Sandy's furless appearance is via his line "What in Neptune's ocean is that repulsive thing?!".
  5. Speaking of which, the scene where Sandy takes off her fur before taking a shower is not only disturbing, yet it makes no sense, even by SpongeBob SquarePants standards, since it is impossible to remove animal fur from the animal in one piece unlike human clothing, yet it is needlessly impractical as well, since Sandy could've just kept her fur on and wash it altogether in the shower instead of washing both her fur and her bare skin separately.
  6. SpongeBob, Mr. Krabs, Larry the Lobster and the the Bikini Bottomites are complete idiots for believing that Plankton is Sandy, even though it's blatantly obvious right in front of them.
    • The scene where Mr. Krabs leaves his Krabby Patty formula in the kitchen, which caused Plankton to jump with joy and reveal himself to SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs, and yet they still think it's Sandy.
    • All these scenes where the Bikini Bottomites are complete idiots for believing that Plankton is Sandy in this episode are even more flimsy than usual, because Patrick Star, the only known "dumb character" in the entire show since the show's golden era, is absent in this episode. In fact, you could replace Larry the Lobster or any of the dumb Bikini Bottomites with Patrick Star and the plot still wouldn't change in the slightest.
    • The air in the coffee pot should have run out very quickly Sandy being able to use it as an air helmet for so long is a mistake.
  7. Plot holes:
    • When the police saw Sandy naked, for some reason they don't arrest her immediately, but rather later, after Plankton is defeated.
    • When Plankton uses Sandy's fur as a robot, the Bikini Bottomites such as Larry the Lobster somehow failed to notice Plankton using her fur all the way to the voice and the plan.
    • After Plankton blacked out due to there being no water in Sandy's suit and the latter literally walked all the way back to her house for about twenty minutes, Plankton survived without any water for some reason.
    • For some strange reason, when the Bikini Bottomites make fun of Sandy for her lack of fur, they call her names like "naked chipmunk", "hairless goat", "nudist ferret", etc. and even refer to her furless body as her "pink rat flesh", despite that all of them are obviously sea creatures, and therefore would've no idea what these land creatures actually are, especially when none of these aforementioned land mammals ever showed up in previous episodes.
    • Apparently it is possible to remove Sandy's fur, as if it was some suit... even though fur is part of a squirrel's body.
    • For some reason, Sandy doesn't take her spacesuit with her, despite the fact that it wasn't stolen by Plankton.
    • Plankton's plan was convoluted. He could have just ordered a Krabby Patty as Sandy, but instead he tries to steal the formula.
    • Somehow, when SpongeBob questions the fact that Sandy is not wearing her suit, he accepts Plankton's vague explanation, even though Spongebob isn't a complete idiot.
  8. The episode is a rehash of "Imitation Krabs" from season two, as both episodes are about Plankton disguising as a main character to try and steal the secret formula from the Krusty Krab and SpongeBob initially trusting the imposter until the end of the episode.
    • To add salt to the wound, this isn't the only episode which rips-off "Imitation Krabs" from season two, as there are two more episodes from Season 7 which would also rip-off said episode with Plankton disguising as other characters to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula such as "Gramma's Secret Recipe" (this time disguising as Grandma SquarePants) and "Shellback Shenanigans" (this time disguising as Gary the Snail), hence showing how lazy and unoriginal the writing for Season 7 of SpongeBob SquarePants is.
  9. Plankton's generic plan to steal the secret formula like most other episodes that has him in them.
  10. While the "Ohhhh... Try Again" quote may be funny, it can get annoying to those pretty quickly.
  11. Wasted Opportunity: It is an episode in which Plankton gets an extremely obvious chance to sneak into Sandy's head and finally give some proper screen time to her brain in the process but completely fails to properly take advantage of it.
  12. Misleading title: Sandy wasn't in the kitchen at all. Plankton took her fur in bathroom and uses it throughout the whole episode.
  13. Horrible ending: Sandy finally defeats Plankton and gets her fur back, only for the police to arrest her for public nudity, as stated in one of the plot holes, which just showcases how much of hypocritical idiots the cops are in these seasons.
  14. It just oozes more of these seasons' tendency to torture any main character just to run 11 minutes of contrived plot.

Redeeming Qualities[]

  1. A few funny moments and lines.
  2. At least Plankton gets his comeuppance by Sandy in the end, getting him put inside mustard.
  3. As stated earlier, the quote “Ohhhhhh.… try again.” Is funny.
  4. "Get in the car kids."
  5. Sandy is the only likable character here.

How To Clothe Up This Episode[]

  • Explain why Sandy's fur is a removable pelt. Like, maybe she had it shaved off due to fleas and has to wear a false pelt because if there is no fur, that means there are no fleas and therefore; there is no risk of getting an illness or spreading the bubonic/black plague
  • Given that asking questions about a criminal wouldn't work because of the unwarranted harassment that she was facing, Sandy must remain hidden and out of sight from the Bikini Bottomites underground in order to get a lead on the thief
  • Impersonating someone such as a doctor like Patrick did in "Suds" is a serious crime as he'll need a medical decree to do so which coincidentally Sandy was also in and pointed this out to the bloated bullying starfish that he'll become later on down that road to the dark ages that is Seasons 6-8, therefore all in all it would be more than logical that Plankton should be imprisoned and not to mention Squidward was arrested for doing so to Squilliam in "Professor Squidward"
  • Explain the reason as to why Sandy couldn't have taken her diving suit
    • E.g. Have Plankton take the diving suit with him as part of his disguise. Not only will this explain why Sandy doesn't have the suit in her possession, but it would also make Planktons disguise a little bit more convincing and in turn make everyone else look (slightly) less gullible.
    • Or just give Sandy one of the smartest character in the show the common sense to put her diving suit on to go find her pelt.
  • Both SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs should catch onto what they believe is Sandy herself and do everything in preparing the Krabby Patty the wrong way. This is exactly what happened in "Evil Spatula"
  • If Sandy cannot stay out of sight and is both exposed as well as being mocked, punish the Bikini Bottomites for their harassment


Some fans say this is the worst episode of the series, along with One Coarse Meal, A Pal for Gary, The Splinter, SpongeBob You're Fired, What Ever Happened to SpongeBob?, Yours, Mine and Mine, To Love a Patty, Pet Sitter Pat, Little Yellow Book, Truth or Square, Demolition Doofus, Ink Lemonade, Fungus Among Us, Choir Boys, Stuck in the Wringer, Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom, Face Freeze!, Good Neighbors, Big Sister Sam, Boating Buddies, The Card, The Clash of Triton, and The Fish Bowl.


  • This is basically the first and only SpongeBob episode where Sandy was officially arrested, which the first time she was supposed to be arrested was from The Great Snail Race for kicking SpongeBob's butt, even though it was removed to save time.
  • This episode was referenced in the Phineas and Ferb episode "Moon Farm", where Phineas eats his ice cream in the way Sandy eats her Krabby Patty in this episode.
  • This is a warning to all users of this wiki: Do NOT look up the Original Furless Sandy concept art nor click on the Gallery shortcut at the start of the page. You will not be happy with what you will be subjugated to see. PhantomStrider made the mistake of showing it on his "The Top 10 SpongeBob Deleted Scenes" video on YouTube which this episode was the first on the list, even giving the viewers a close up of it that slowly pans down. If you think of ignoring this warning and go ahead to see what the fuss is about, thinking that there will be no harm in doing so, what happens then is because of your curiosity and ignorance of something we heavily advise you not to search up and look for a image of it. Remember, whatever happens next you must keep in mind that you wanted this and we warned you about it. THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU DO THIS. You've been warned.
  • Furthermore regarding the original furless concept art, it was pointless in drawing it because the furless Sandy from "Survival of the Idiots" was just fine as it was and the animators didn't need to draw that atrocious concept art in the first place.

