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P3622849 e h10 ab SPONGEBOB TORTURE!
This contains torture to SpongeBob SquarePants, so if you're a fan of him, look away NOW.

Rodeo Daze is a super-infamous episode[1] of SpongeBob SquarePants. In this episode, SpongeBob tries to tell and convince everybody to save Sandy from a rodeo.

Why It Shouldn't Be Saved[]

Sandy Singing her Awful and Weird Song.

The infamous "CGI" during Sandy's song, you know, I think this scene used Flash animation instead.

  1. This episode contains a generic and unoriginal story: Sandy leaves SpongeBob and Patrick to go play rodeo in Texas. As a result, SpongeBob is worried that Sandy is in "trouble" at the rodeo since he thinks it's too dangerous to be in it. He enlists the help of his friends and the Bikini Bottomites to try to save her, but this makes SpongeBob a complete moron, as Sandy wasn't even in trouble at all. This also makes it seem like SpongeBob has no faith in Sandy at all, despite everything he's seen her do
  2. Horrible pacing and filler. The main plot starts to pick up in the last minute and a half of the episode, which is inexcusable for an 11-minute episode. It feels like an unfinished TV movie rather than an actual regular episode.
  3. Sandy is being selfish to SpongeBob and Patrick in the beginning due to being frustrated with them for interrupting her going to Texas to play rodeo.
  4. The townspeople of Bikini Bottom are unlikable and uncaring about SpongeBob's problem since they all refuse to help him save Sandy. This is inexcusable since, in the previous episodes of seasons 1 and 3, all of them are shown to care for each other. The worst offender of this is Mr. Krabs, who refuses to help all because it has nothing to do with money. A fandabidozi example of flanderization.
  5. The scene where SpongeBob acts like a complete moron when he captures everyone in bubbles for help is lazy, and nonsensical to go find Sandy in Texas.
  6. This episode is generally a rehash of "Texas" from season one, as both episodes have Sandy leaving Bikini Bottom for Texas and they both have a song sung by her as well.
  7. There is another bad scene where SpongeBob asks his friends for help and they refuse to. Speaking of which, SpongeBob kidnaps them to force them to help instead of doing it by himself. The way Squidward came in a bubble with the others to SpongeBob's house is annoying, especially since he is grouchy to SpongeBob a lot.
  8. The ending is horrendous and feels extremely rushed. After SpongeBob and the others (as well as his house) get captured in a bubble, they fly to the rodeo and eventually a bullfrog jumps at the bubble and pops it, making everyone fall into Texas (where the rodeo takes place); then the bullfrog captures SpongeBob and Sandy has to save SpongeBob from the bullfrog, then she tells SpongeBob to leave the rodeos to her (much to his chagrin). As stated before, all of this happens in a minute.
  9. As mentioned above, specifically, all of the characters are unlikable in this episode. It also rips off "Sandy's Rocket" and "Shuffleboarding", despite the three episodes having a point in which SpongeBob and/or Patrick puts the townspeople into being crammed into a tight space and/or capturing them.
  10. When SpongeBob and Patrick visits Sandy to give her a letter, she's instantly attacks them which makes her more unlikeable in this episode.
  11. There is a scene where Patrick takes out a piece of a rotten Krabby Patty, and eats it.
  12. The "CGI" is very awful in this episode, and it looks extremely fake, it's more like if these parts used Adobe Flash in this episode.
  13. This episode ended the "Jerky SpongeBob" trend from Seasons 6 and 7 with a poor note.

Redemming Qualities[]

  1. Depending on your view, the song "That's a Rodeo" is catchy.
  2. Despite Spongebob being a moron, he still meant well.
  3. This episode had potential (as the idea of having a rodeo was good), but executed poorly.
  4. It has some funny jokes:
    1. Patrick trying to "look at himself"
    2. The How to Open things book joke. Where Spongebob claims he saw the movie but never read the book.
    3. Plankton with the bomb
    4. Squidward running away from SpongeBob.
  5. It contains everything well with Spongebob:
    1. The two-minute song (at least it's technically not the series' longest song) .
    2. Krusty Krab-related jokes
    3. Very original jokes at the beginning:
    4. A little-bit of live action
    5. There is a ton of filler, but many episodes are far worse than this. Ever heard of All That Glitters (the crying scene), The Door Bell Ringing Gag (Pet or Pests), or most of SpongeBob You're Fired?

How To Make This Rodeo Good[]

  1. Make Sandy actually be in trouble at the rodeo, then it would be a good reason for Spongebob to save Sandy.
  2. Have Sandy act less selfish, for example, when Spongebob and Patrick bring the bottled letter to Sandy, have her apologize to them for punching them.
  3. Make the Bikini Bottomites care for Sandy and join in, but if they can't, make Spongebob go solo and save her himself.
  4. Remove the scene where Patrick eats a piece of a moldy Krabby Patty out of Spongebob's ear.
  5. In the song "That's a Rodeo", do not make Spongebob and Patrick get tortured.
  6. Make the "CGI" better. Or just remove it, as it makes no sense to have cows underwater.
  7. Change the plot:
    1. Focus on the rodeo part more. Instead of Sandy leaving for the rodeo at the beginning, have her come back from one and decide to hold a rodeo in Bikini Bottom so they understand what a rodeo is.
    2. Or turn this into a TV special in place of "Atlantis Squarepantis":
      1. The plot idea was good enough.
      2. Keep the first half, remove the infamous scenes, and you've got a good intro.
      3. Then remake the second half with everyone agreeing to travel to the rodeo to watch Sandy. Instead of having it in Texas, have a Bikini Bottom Rodeo.
      4. Have funny gags and quirks of what could happen at a rodeo.
      5. Save the Texas part till later, where they would eventually get promoted to go there.
      6. Team Bikini Bottom wins the rodeo.


Ironically, during its first airing, it was paired with "Gary in Love", an ULTRA-famous episode (which one is now paired up with One Coarse Meal, though).

PhantomStrider considers this the worst Sandy Cheeks episode.
