The Post-Movie Era is a super-infamous era from SpongeBob SquarePants. In this Era, this show has experienced a small decline in Seasons 4-5 (though those two seasons are still generally received favorably), and an even bigger one in Seasons 6-7, but a small rise in quality in Seasons 8-9a. There are a total of 243 episodes in the post-movie era.
Why do some people call this Era ScumBob?[]
Some people call this era ScumBob because this is the point where the show went downhill, containing lots of bad episodes than any other era of this show. Mainly from Season 6, Season 7, and Season 8 (the dark age of the show).
- SpongeBob Season 4
- SpongeBob Season 5
- SpongeBob Season 6
- SpongeBob Season 7
- SpongeBob Season 8
- SpongeBob Season 9A
Redeeming Qualities[]
- At least Seasons 4-5 are good (But not amazing like the Pre-Movie seasons).
- Season 8 was not bad but still a weak season because most of the episodes are forgettable.
- It does have some good episodes.
- This era takes place after the first movie, and before the second movie.
- Despite being called the 'post-movie' era, Yeti Krabs was released two months after Sponge Out of Water, (which was also the one to air in the year 2015).
- In the UK, seven other episodes were released after Sponge Out of Water hit theatres, which are: Extreme Spots, Squirrel Record, Jailbreak!, Evil Spatula, Safe Deposit Krabs, Plankton's Pet and Kenny the Cat.
- In Kenya, all 340 episodes from Seasons 1-8 (117 pre-movie + 223 post-movie) were released six years after Sponge Out of Water. Season 9 has yet to premier in Kenya.