Picture Day is a semi-infamous episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. In this episode, SpongeBob tries to get to Boating School without getting filthy for Picture Day.
Why It's Not Worth Getting Clean for Picture Day in this Episode[]
Everyone is out to get our victim here, because there is no logic to the unexpected events that happened such as a piece of seaweed having slime staining the clothes which easily can be cleaned so there's no reason to redo the whole routine; seriously, he's gonna run out of free space on his socks to paint the red and blue stripes on. But getting dumped in a garbage truck was uncalled for as was the teenagers that were throwing ketchup balloons, it was inevitable for him to be sprayed by Old Man Jenkins who can't seem to get a steady fin on the bottle but we can forgive him for that due to his age and arthritis; it makes it hard to hold something in a steady hand nowadays after his younger days were over with.
You thought using Spongegloss will help him? No, it doesn't and he didn't take into account that it would reflect the light into the water tanker driver's eyes to crash, but thankfully it's all just that: water and the next one which are stamps, too bad the next two were oatmeal and glue which are seriously messy. Believe it or not, glue used to be edible back in the day.
It gets worse: Patrick intrudes on the scene as he brings him to Mrs. Puff's Boating School but immediately after that, he obnoxiously forgets the reason as to why he came here and with a lack of conscience dumps his own friend into his PB taco which gets him all dirty again; he is not punished for this unlike Angelica Pickles. What's more, Patrick licks the taco shell. Why? Because... reasons. Is Patrick really that EFFING STUPID?! This is an example of SpongeBob characters getting flanderized. First, there's stupid! Then, there's braindead! And then there's... Patrick. SpongeBob finally cries, revealing the reason why he wanted to stay clean that day. He will someday graduate from Boating School. Mrs. Puff cleaned him up, however.
Speaking of her, she wasn't supposed to originally get punished to tell others that life is cruel to the kind but the developers and writers began to hate how nasty she is and made sure she would face consequences rightfully so by her parents for behaving badly; which is what Patrick was doing here but unlike her, he gets away with this.
SpongeBob got a good photo nevertheless, but we wonder if the same people surrounding him had the same problems that he did too. Hmm...