Pet the Rock is an infamous episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. In this episode, Percival Rockhound tries to get his hands on Patrick's pet rock, Rolly.
AIR DATE FOR THIS EPISODE: February 14, 2024
Why This Pet Needs To Be Crushed By A Rock[]
- To get the elephant out of the room (more like the rock out of the pet store but whatever), the plot of Patrick having a pet rock was taken directly off of "Sentimental Sponge" and "The Great Snail Race", however, unlike those 2 episodes, it's only used for a few gags and not for the entire episode.
- On the topic of being a wee bit too inspired off of other works, It also rips-off a TON of episodes, like the episode "Stormy Weather" (which is even worse considering that episode was from Season 12 and not from like season 2), "Karate Star" and the second half of "Shuffleboarding".
- Patrick in this episode is AN ABSOLUTE NUMBSKULL, to the point that this episode really goes to show how much he has been flanderized throughout the course of the series.
- On the topic of the pet store, most of the animals on the shelves are animals from other episodes in the series, which just comes off as pandering to an older audience. It should also be noted that this type of pandering appears MULTIPLE TIMES, such as sandy having fun with the Alaskan bull worm at the park (Which also makes no sense since the first episode in which the two interact is them trying to KILL EACH OTHER!!!), which is also a way for the show screaming at long-time fans to watch something better instead of this pile of muck.
- The humor in this episode is so predictable not even the word predictable suits it. Especially the joke that Patrick was going to purchase the rock instead of the Nudibranch, considering THE NAME OF THE EPISODE.
- Nosferatu and the Alaskan Bull Warm both appear when Patrick is walking is pet rock through the park. This is one of the many examples of nostalgia bait in season 14.
- Bikini bottomites torture, AND LOADS OF IT AT THAT. The ways they get tortured aren't even creative in most cases, as they just involve getting Patrick's pet rock (or "rolly" as he unfunnily calls it), CRUSHING THEIR BODY PARTS, which can be painful to many. Additionally, this episode introduces the viewer to a new character in the form of the park guard, and his SOLE PURPOSE in this episode is to get unoriginally tortured the exact same way every other Incidental has been tortured for the duration of the episode.
- The infamous scene in which Percival kidnaps the owners of the pet salon, as it is WAY TOO DARK for a kids show, especially considering it was supposed to be a "joke".
- The Ending, as it makes no sense and just seems confused with itself: if Percival really was the Villain all along, then why did Patrick get eaten and not him?
- It's INTENSELY cringey, boring and unfunny.
- The bouncy animation of Season 14 does not compliment with some of the jokes and scenes in this episode.
- Patrick almost picks a Nudibranch as his pet. Wanna know what other episode involved a main character buying one of these things?
- This is especially stupid considering that there were many other pets that could have been picked from the pet store, come on lads, even one of the bunnies from Bunny Hunt would've been better than this!
- Also, how is there water in the Nudibranch's tank if not only are they underwater, but Nudibranches have already been seen out of the water before!? (Once again, If this abomination does it better than you can, you should probably remove the episode and start from scratch, but NOPE!)
Redeeming Qualities[]
- The concussion joke can be funny to some.
- Malcolm McDowell does a great job voicing Percival Rockhound.
- As dark as the pet salon scene is, its scenes are nowhere near as dark as another episode from the same season.
- Patrick and Percival Rockhound getting eaten by the end can be seen as deserved/karma depending on your point of view.
- On the other hand, Rolly's new appearance as a dinosaur does look really cool.
This episode is considered one of the worst episodes of season 14 (so far), along with Don't Make Me Laugh and Squidiot Box.
Additionally, PhantomStrider dislikes it along with many other users.
Ironically, this episode is paired up with the ULTRA-famous episode "Momageddon."
Ironically (or not), Alpha Jay likes this episode.
Tas1coolguy finds this episode Meh.