Pest of the West is a non-infamous episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. In this episode, the story of SpongeBob's western ancestor, SpongeBuck, is told.
Why It's The Pest Of The West[]
If you are going to make an episode based on the Old West, have some ideas to make whatever tropes that were seen in movies like True Grit, for example, and make them into an even better parody. Each and every trope seen, spaghetti westerns were thrown in aimlessly: they aren't parodied once.
The thing with the statue makes no sense In the beginning it shows a knight in armor fish riding a seahorse, sword held high and covered in jelly fish poop. At the end of the episode Spongebob cleans it off revealing it is in fact the statue the citizens of Bikini Gulch made of Spongebuck riding his coffin. There is no way being covered in poop could make a statue of a square sponge riding (really wearing) a coffin look like a knight in armor fish riding a seahorse, sword held high. Those are two very different things.
Not once is SpongeBuck seen as an actual cowboy, like the promotional material gives us, so there's your false advertising right there. also Dead Eye Plankton is unlikable then Plankton he stole The gangs clothes and made SpongeBuck almost quit and put the house down, but he at least gotten his comeuppance at the end.
By the way... giving your characters obnoxious Southwestern drawls is NOT FUNNY!
However, many fans like this episode because they find this episode very creative and hilarious, and the catchy ending song of this episode is very memorable too. These are the main reasons why this episode is semi-infamous.