ScumBob Wiki

Pearl Krabs is a semi-infamous character in SpongeBob SquarePants. She debuts in Squeaky Boots.

Why She Is Not A Good Daughter[]

One of the main reasons that some fans call Pearl a ScumBob character is that she can act babyish with her constant crying and sometimes bratty behavior. She is overdramatic and often acts spoiled, entitled and overall demanding. She is sometimes sexist to boys, believing that any and all types of boys are the same. She also said that boys don't understand tea parties in the episode Sleepy Time. However, in the episode "The Slumber Party", everyone except Pearl stereotypes boys, even boys themselves. Even though it's understandable with her age, Pearl also sometimes acts bratty, no wonder her father barely spent money on her in seasons 1-3.

By the way, her father was choking on an apple in "Scaredy Pants" and she thinks she has the right to not help him, saying that he's embarrassing her.

Plus, while her design is attractive, some of her body proportions, are too humanish for her such as her small go-go boots, a small ponytail and ballerina dress and her heart shape which bears an uncanny resemblance for female human.

To remove the cat from the bag, she never got arrested, never learned her lesson (although on occasion, she does), never got properly disciplined (this could make sense because Mr. Krabs could be a flawed parent, most likely due to caring about nothing but money), or never got punished unlike Mrs. Puff (who gets arrested for her bad deeds).

Plus, when Lori Alan does a good job voicing her, the voice sounds whiny and raspy, because of the crying, whining, screaming and yelling performances by Lori Alan sound grating when she’s angry or sad. Also ,her voice is grating just like Bendy from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends and Marge Simpson from the Simpsons.

Episodes Where She Acts Babyish And/Or Bratty[]



  • The weird thing is that, in the episode "The Slumber Party", everybody (except herself) stereotypes boys, even the boys themselves. It is as if the roles are inverted.
  • Her mother has never been seen or mentioned in the show.