ScumBob Wiki

The Vid

Patrick throwing flight attendants off the plane is a non-infamous scene from the ULTRA-infamous episode Plane to Sea In this scene, Patrick sends two flight attendants off the plane through the emergency exit, thinking it is the bathroom.

Why Patrick Should Be Thrown Into The Kola Superdeep Borehole[]

People call it ScumBob because it features Patrick at his SCUMMIEST, because his stupidity causes the attendants to POTENTIALLY DIE. The problem is, HE GETS REWARDED BY IT, and the scene is followed by ANOTHER SCUMBOB!-INFAMOUS SCENE of Fatprick throwing innocent workers OUT OF THE PLANE while GETTING REWARDED FOR IT.

Redeeming qualities:[]

How to fix this scene[]

  • Have Patrick fall out of the plane instead.
  • Or have only the rude flight attendant fall out of the plane