ScumBob Wiki

"SpongeBob, you can't always expect my usual brand of stupidity. I like to mix it up. Keep you on your toes."

― Patrick Star's Most infamous quote from "The Card," revealing all of his jerky actions were on purpose.

"Have you learnt nothing about sharing?"

"Hey, buddy. I've got something cool to show ya, and it's the opposite of a wet, watery bath."


Top 10 anime betrayals... (anime meloetta’s was worse)

SpongeBob being right just to be shown as the bad one seconds later.

Patrick Star is SpongeBob's neighbor and "best friend". While he is generally a very likeable character in seasons 1-5 and from season 9B onwards, he was horribly flamed during seasons 6-9A. In fact, he would have been more unpleasant than Mr. Krabs. This jerky character with his mean personality returns in The Fish Bowl & Ink Lemonade.

Why He's Fatprick Stinkar[]

He's utterly mischievous, as shown in episodes like Stuck in the Wringer selfishly putting his glue in front of his friend's pain at the carnival, and The Card its revealed that he always does this on purpose; every action he ever committed to doing was all to torment SpongeBob. This proves right off the bat that Patrick is a huge jerk towards SpongeBob, since he seems to think torturing his best friend and the card is fun.

For every torture episode revolved around him he's returned to his original persona as this redemption vastly progressed since the first half of the 9th Season point where he would make Stephen Hillenburg at the very least happy one last time before his untimely death from ALS.

Bad Stuff He Did[]

Post-Movie Era[]

  • In Good Neighbors, he and SpongeBob ruin Squidward's Sunday throughout the entire episode.
  • In Driven To Tears, he is a jerk by rubbing his license in SpongeBob face, and annoys SpongeBob more and more, at least in the ending, they patch things up.
  • In Rule of Dumb, Patrick finds out he's become king of Bikini Bottom, but acts like a mean tyrant to everyone. Thankfully, he realizes his wrongdoings and gives up the crown, and it turned out that Gary was the true king.
  • In Breath of Fresh Squidward, he got a present for the new Employee of the Month and crossed out SpongeBob's name on the present before writing Squidward, and also bounced on pogo sticks with Squidward. No one bounces on pogo-sticks with him except SpongeBob, no one!
  • In Pat No Pay, there's a difference between being stupid and being a jerk: guess which one it is? Patrick says that he's paying for it alright which he should try at a real restaurant and see what happens there. As punishment he's forced to work off his bill, destroying the Krusty Krab in the process upon being paranoid at never eating another Krabby Patty again.
  • In The Splinter, he makes SpongeBob's splinter worse by doing things such as dumping garbage on it, and throughout his attitude suggests that he's doing all this intentionally. He then abandons SpongeBob, saying that his shift was over.
  • In The Card, He tortures SpongeBob by destroying the card on purpose (see the quote above, he's always been doing this...). However, he gave SpongeBob the last of the cards at the end.
  • In Stuck in the Wringer, he got SpongeBob stuck forever on his wringer intentionally and decided to let him get more pain while he revels in his joy. Rather than accepting his responsibilities for getting his friend forever stuck in his wringer, he instead runs off like Spongebob hurt him which would be reasonable but all he did was scold him. Because of this he's making himself look like the victim while making Spongebob look like he is the main antagonist. This action is forgiven as later in the day his remorse takes it toll on him, finding a paralyzed and insanity driven SpongeBob alone in the dark as he realizes what he has done.
  • In Yours, Mine and Mine, he stole SpongeBob's money multiple times to buy a toy after complaining that the Krabby Kiddy Meal didn't come with one. Not only did he not let him have some of the Krabby Patty that he was going to share, but he was making sure SpongeBob will not lay even a finger on a trinket like that (as Mr. Krabs once called it when saying that they shouldn't let one get in between their friendship) He is a Complete sociopathic hypocritical Jerk in this episode. (Have you learned NOTHING about sharing?) We the audience will show you about sharing!!!
  • In Back to the Past, he sends himself, SpongeBob, Mermaid Man, and Barnacle Boy all back in time by somehow mistaking the time machine for a vending machine. He then eats the tartar sauce the young Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy were going to use to trap Man Ray, but Patrick eats it out of being a jerk off, causing Man Ray to take over the world. He also leaves the older Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy in the past to die.
  • In The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom, similar to Big Sister Sam but it was a monster destroying people's houses. Not much to say here.
  • In You Don't Know Sponge, he fails to remember a single thing about SpongeBob, almost destroying their friendship (which at this point would probably have been a good thing).
  • In Big Sister Sam, he was happy and cheered his sister on when she destroyed others' houses. SpongeBob has been tolerant up until his house was destroyed, blaming the both of them when his friend had done him no wrong.
  • In Oral Report, SpongeBob asks him to help him prepare for an oral report he has at Boating School, but Patrick makes things a million times worse.
  • In Patrick's Staycation, he acts like a complete ungrateful Jerk to SpongeBob after he works so hard trying to give Patrick a staycation.
  • In Pet Sitter Pat, he deliberately starved Gary half to death on purpose and chased him with a flamethrower. If it was not enough for him to be sadistic he was willing to threaten the victim by drying him off with salt, lying to his friend by telling that he was fine; even this is enough to get him suspicious if we were him. Gary's attempts to tell SpongeBob about his neglection he's suffering is foiled by Patrick laughing. Imagine Gary as a child, see how that would work out in real life. It's not a pretty sight ain't it now?
  • In Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom, he eats Squidward's backstage pass to the Kelpy G concert, crushing Squidward's dreams and ruining his chances to meet his idol.
  • In Restraining SpongeBob, he was obnoxious to Squidward, annoying and bothering him.
  • In InSPONGEiac, he somehow thinks giving SpongeBob coffee and reading him "The Land of Perpetual Excitement" will help him fall asleep.

Post-Sequel Era[]

  • In Squid Baby, he and SpongeBob hurt "baby" Squidward and once he's at the Krusty Krab he leaves him to deal with him after passing out. He's been hurting him on purpose the most to be exact.
  • In Little Yellow Book he was only blaming Squidward for reading SpongeBob's diary, but previously in the episode, he too was reading it and laughing at SpongeBob, along with the Bikini Bottomites which makes him a hypocrite like the other Bikini Bottomites.
  • In The Fish Bowl, his jerky personality from Seasons 6-9A returned. In this episode, he ruins SpongeBob's work and steals his ice cream just because Sandy said he's the boss of the social experiment. But, he apologies for his actions in the end.
  • In Ink Lemonade, his jerky personality from Seasons 6-9A returned, again! In this episode, he scares Squidward just so he can get his ink to make lemonade.

Post-Threequel Era[]

  • In Pet The Rock, he used his pet rock Rolly to callously torture the Bikini Bottomites while obliviously smiling through all of it.