No Hat for Pat is a non-infamous episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. In this episode, Patrick wants to wear the Krusty Krab hat.
Why We Shouldn't Take our Hats off to this episode[]
There are three problems with this episode!
1. Why would Patrick need The Krusty Krab employee hat if he had already worn the hat several times? Already a plot hole.
2. Mr. Krabs torturing and abusing Patrick was not funny at all. In fact, there were some deleted scenes in this episode that had Patrick being tortured.
3. MR KRABS IS A PRICK! Yea, we've dealt with greedy, selfish, and cheap Mr. Krabs in the past, however, Mr. Krabs seems to be at one of his worst yet, just like in One Coarse Meal.
Redeeming Qualities[]
- Mr. Krabs does get his clothes ripped off for abusing Patrick.
- Patrick and SpongeBob are likable.
- It is decently funny.
- Not only is Patrick's torture not played for comedic purposes, but it actually does succeed in making the audience feel bad for him.
- For some audiences, this might be revenge for what Patrick did to Mr. Krabs in Pat No Pay.