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ScumBob Wiki

The "Nautical Novice" ending is a SCUMBOB!-infamous scene from the semi-infamous SpongeBob Season 6 episode of the same name. The episode ends with Spongebob getting revoked his potential license he would have won, and of course, Mrs. Puff getting arrested for the trillionth time.

Why This Scene Must Have Its Licenses Revoked Immediately?[]

You know how SpongeBob helped stop the boat converted into a museum? Well what if we told you that that entire sequence WAS A BIG FAT LIE. He didn't actually stop the boat from moving on its own, and that the license he received from "stopping the boat" would be revoked. The ending ruins what otherwise could've been a really sweet moment between Ms. Puff and SpongeBob, and served as proof that SpongeBob is not completely useless when it comes to boating. But HURR DE DURR, STATUS QUO IS THE STATUS QUO, and we have to watch the ENTIRE EPISODE BECOME POINTLESS. YES. NOW THAT WHOLE EPISODE WAS A WASTE OF TIME. And when SpongeBob is told EXPLICITLY NOT TO TOUCH ANYTHING, he does so anyway and FLIPS THE BOAT UPSIDE DOWN AS THE EPISODE ENDS.

Redeeming Qualities[]
