Mooned! is a non-infamous episode of SpongeBob SquarePants Season 14. In this episode, SpongeBob wants to catch an ultra-rare jellyfish and enlists the help of former jellyfishing champion, Kevin.
Why this episode isn't moonlit enough to be good.[]
The reason why this episode is very infamous is because of the use of butt jokes in this episode, heck, even the title card is one of them. If you don't find the butt jokes funny, you will find this episode boring.
Also, Kevin the cucumber cun* also betrays Spongebob, even after EVERYTHING SPONGEBOB DID FOR KEVIN. Kevin didn't lose his jerky and selfish behavior from Season 2.
Also, why does Kevin live in a trash can in the middle of the forest, was he that unpopular in the Jellyfish club and Bikini Bottom?
Redeeming qualities that should go to the moon.[]
- This episode marks the returning appearance of Kevin C. Cucumber, who appeared in the episode "Patrick the Mailman".
- Some people find this episode creative and fun to watch.
- Kevin gets another appearance, that's okay.
- Kevin and Spongebob working together for once was nice and cute.
- Kevin being dragged to the moon in the end of the episode was good if you didn't like how he behave in this episode.