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P3622849 e h10 ab SPONGEBOB TORTURE!
This contains torture to SpongeBob SquarePants, so if you're a fan of him, look away NOW.

Krabby Land is a Infamous episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. In this episode, Mr. Krabs builds an amusement park.

Why It's Cheapy The Cheapstake Indeed[]

  • What's everyone's favorite greedy cheepskate up to this time? Building a theme park out of garbage just to get the money out of children.
  • The torment of SpongeBob may as well be considered dull and our antagonist may as well suffer the same way just as SpongeBob had suffered: eating lima beans.
    • Technically, this would be torturing the people SpongeBob hired to torture him, considering their confused faces.
  • Not only are the children in this episode jerks, but they are also sadistic. They don't like to see people blow bubbles but enjoy people getting tortured, as lampshaded by SpongeBob. One of the children even popped one of SpongeBob's bubbles, which is disrespectful. To show how sadistic the children really are, one of the children was anticipating SpongeBob getting ripped in half by tough guys.
  • Mr. Krabs made an unsafe theme park out of cheap materials.
    • He knows that the "theme park" is unsafe because he gave out coloring books and liability waivers of all things.
  • Also, the real bad thing about what Mr. Krabs has done, he even dared to tell SpongeBob that he "Always think about yourself!", SERIOUSLY?! SpongeBob would NEVER care ONLY about himself! He cares about everyone (except only from some of them though, like Bubble Bass) and always wants and willing to make them happy!

Krabby Qualities[]

  • Mr. Krabs was rightfully punished for exploiting children in the end, by being force fed lima beans and losing the money he made.
  • Despite the episode being Spongebob Torture, at least the injury gags were more slapstick akin to a Tom and Jerry episode.
    • The lima bean joke was funny.
  • Mr. Krabs saying that he doesn't care about the children was funny (depending on your view)
  • The first few minutes were good because they feel like a normal episode of SpongeBob SquarePants.
  • This episode parodied Krusty Burger and McDonalds (e.g. Ronald McDonald, Hamburglar, PlayPlace, etc) pretty well


  • Ironically, it's paired up with the extremely LEGENDARY-famous episode "The Camping Episode."
  • This is PhantomStrider's third least favorite episode of the pre-movie seasons (1-3).
  • This is the only episode along with its sister episode, that is free on demand without Amazon Prime from the third season.
  • Ironically, the infamous The Wonka Chocolate Factory Experience was compared to this episode by many people around the world, as it got quite same aspects such as greedy owner, badly made experience, but unlike the episode no one was harmed on that experience, stuff was made from more reliable material, and children weren't sadistic (can be said by the footage online).
  • Tristan Lanier (a brown profile picture who makes YTPs) likes this episode for some reason.

