House Sittin' for Sandy is a mid super-infamous episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. In this episode, SpongeBob is tasked with managing the treedome for Sandy while she's out.
Why It Should Stop House Sittin'[]
The episode has been criticized by fans for the large presence of scenes that go on for longer than necessary and other filler content, as well as being boring. One of the biggest examples of the "overly-long scenes" problem is when Sandy goes over what SpongeBob needs to do in managing the treedome and, once she leaves, SpongeBob repeating what we've just seen, a sequence that takes up a good portion of the episode. These flaws, along with the lack of funny humor, make for what many fans consider a boring and unfunny episode.
The ending, specifically before the robot attack restarts, has also been lambasted for both being anti-climatic and a cop-out. SpongeBob accidentally causes the robots in the treedome to activate and wreak havoc in the structure, completely ruining it. When Sandy comes back and sees the destruction, she pulls out a laser gun that ends up restoring everything to normal, and she reveals that she intended for the two to wreck the treedome to test the device.
On a lesser note, the episode has also been criticized for being inconsistent with the established rule that SpongeBob must wear a helmet when entering Sandy's treedome or else he will dehydrate and suffocate. Once he enters the treedome, SpongeBob goes without a helmet up until he encounters Patrick, who points out that he's wearing his helmet because they can't breathe the air in the structure. The scene has been seen by a number of fans as a lazy, unfunny attempt at addressing the error, and SpongeBob's appearance when dehydrated has been cited as disturbing by some. At least they didn't forget about that one completely.
To make matters worse, this episode is paired with Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom, an extremely infamous episode.
Reedeming Qualities[]
At least it's way better than Pet Sitter Pat and Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom, the episodes it's surrounded by.
"House Sittin' for Sandy" has received generally negative reception from fans, It has a user rating of 4.3 out of 10 on SpongeBuddy Mania and a user rating of 5.5 out of 10 based on 219 votes on IMDb along with its sister episode, "Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom".
SpongeBob not wearing a water helmet throughout the whole first half of this episode comes from the animators forgetting to put a helmet on him halfway through production. Rather than fix that, they kept it and Patrick was also added to give SpongeBob the helmet.