Hocus Pocus is a high semi-infamous episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. In this episode, SpongeBob thinks he has turned Squidward into an ice cream cone.
Why Some People Think's It's Dorkus[]
People call this episode ScumBob because this episode is dumb and pointless all around.
The idea that SpongeBob thinks that the ice cream cone is actually Squidward is just bizarre, and Patrick acts a bit jerky here. Also that the pacing is extremely slow.
Crying scenes:
- Spongebob crying can be annoying to some
- The kid in the car was crying because he didn't like pistachio, and cried even harder when the ice cream flew away.
Hocus Pocus Something Redeemus[]
This is a Squidward Torture but not for the majority of the episode, it is more like an Ice Cream torture episode.
Unlike To Love a Patty, SpongeBob had a good reason to be protective over food, since he thought the ice cream was Squidward.
The flying ice cream scene was funny depending on your view