ScumBob Wiki

"AHH!! The snail! I forgot the snail!"

― Squidward realizing he failed to take care of Gary and neglected him the whole weekend.

The Gary starving scene is a super-infamous scene in the semi-infamous episode, I Was a Teenage Gary.

Why This Scene Makes You Hate Squidward?[]

Squidward was given an assignment to take care of Gary while SpongeBob was away with Patrick for the weekend. And how does he do it? He does absolutely nothing! The lazy cephalopod spends the entire weekend enjoying himself while SpongeBob's beloved pet ends up starving and getting dehydrated. It's obvious that Squidward would stoop this low to let a poor little creature like Gary feel neglected like this. For that scene is considered animal cruelty. Squidward, you had one job to do for the weekend, and you couldn't take a couple of minutes off your precious time just to take care of Gary!

Redeemable qualities[]

  • At least Squidward tried his best to remedy his mistake.
  • Gary recovers later on, but we cannot say the same for SpongeBob since Squidward injected him with Snail Plasma by accident.
  • Squidward soon does get his well-deserved karma for his gross negligence towards Gary at the ending.

