ScumBob Wiki

Boating Buddies (DVD) is a SCUMBOB!-infamous DVD of SpongeBob SquarePants based on the SCUMBOB!-infamous episode Boating Buddies. It was only released in Japan‌.‌

Why ‌‌‌There Isn’t A Single Buddy On This DVD At All![]

People call this DVD ScumBob due to it containing a large amount of Squidward Torture episodes. It's also based on the SCUMBOB!-infamous episode Boating Buddies. Also, all of the episodes on this DVD are infamous, with 4 of them being very infamous, and half of them even being SCUMBOB!-infamous! THERE’S ONLY TORTURE IN THIS

List of Episodes on DVD[]

  1. Boating Buddies
  2. Porous Pockets
  3. Choir Boys
  4. The Splinter
  5. Slide Whistle Stooges
  6. Penny Foolish

The episodes listed in bold are some of the worst on this DVD!
