ScumBob Wiki

The "Crying solves your problems" quote is an MORBID-infamous scene from the INFINITE SCUMBOB!-infamous episode Stuck in the Wringer. In this scene, as Stuck in the Wringer ends, SpongeBob says "I guess crying does solve your problems after all!" to the audience like Calilou fans made this episode

Why Crying And This Scene Does NOT Solve Your Problems[]

As if Stuck in the Wringer wasn't already bad enough, the moral near the end just doesn't work. Why does a show expect children, or whoever else for that matter, to cry just to get their own way? Crying doesn't usually solve problems at all. In fact, in some cases, crying can make problems worse. SpongeBob also breaks the 4th wall (in a bad way) makes it look like they’re teaching their moral and has the same moral delivery as some preschool shows. His face is also disturbing. If you wanted to make a joke moral, fine, go ahead, but don’t make it have the same moral delivery as some preschool shows or else they’ll think you’re serious about this moral.

Redeeming Qualities[]

Crying does help SpongeBob free from the wringer as the glue that got him stuck there dissolved when it contacted water, even though this is not an excuse to teach such a bad moral.

It's a joke moral.


  • The moral is generally considered to be the worst moral of the show, as well as one of the worst fourth-wall breaks.