16 Votes in Poll
the thing
i enjoyed them but i do think that patchy shouldve had less screentime
truth or square had little to no filler to be honest, its supposed to be a clip show-type special so it barely having a plot is excused imo
16 Votes in Poll
imo it was mid
search "bad luck bob title card" on youtube and look at the descriptions of various videos. there will be a link to the episode on google drive. btw the video isnt by me
15 Votes in Poll
fluffy wasnt even that bad it was spongebob that ruined the episode. im getting so tired of saying this
i love both of these episodes, but yeah, bubbletown does have flaws
To love a patty is objectively terrible btw
i cant really explain, just watch a tutorial maybe
make it available for people to view, i dont have access
definitely not one coarse meal, while it is much worse its not boring unlike jellyfishing
imagine if this was a modern episode. it would be super-infamous for sure
fair, its one of the worst, but its still pretty good
who doesnt tbh, its only competitor is iwatg
26 Votes in Poll
personally i dont even think the splinter is that bad. its still horrible but id rate it hyper-infamous
i think it should be hyper since a bunch of people love it but more people hate it
true. i still dislike it because squidward only mocked spongebob and patrick, he didn't deserve to get injured really badly
i love dont make me laugh! i feel like it's only infamous though, because the laugh can get on people's nerves